

    Research progress on the cellular and neural circuit mechanisms of general anesthetics based on optogenetic and chemogenetic techniques

    • 摘要: 全身麻醉是保障患者安全度过临床手术和有创检查的重要医疗技术。根据给药途径的不同,全身麻醉可分为吸入全身麻醉、静脉全身麻醉和静吸复合麻醉。随着高度特异性靶向标记、观察和干预手段的不断进步,既往研究解析了全身麻醉药物在中枢神经系统中的部分作用机制。本文旨在全面回顾全身麻醉药物的发展历程,并以吸入全麻药物七氟醚、异氟醚和静脉麻醉药物丙泊酚为主要讨论对象,系统梳理基于光遗传学和化学遗传学技术所发现的临床常用全身麻醉药物在脑内细胞与神经环路的作用靶点。此外,本文还展望了全身麻醉药物脑机制研究的未来方向,以期增进对全身麻醉药物作用机制的理解。


      Abstract: General anaesthesia is an important medical technique to ensure the safety of patients during clinical surgeries and invasive examinations. According to the route of administration, general anaesthesia can be divided into three categories: inhalation general anesthesia, intravenous general anesthesia and combined intravenous-inhalation anesthesia. With the continuous advancement of highly specific targeting markers, observation and intervention tools, previous studies have resolved some of the mechanisms of action of general anaesthetic drugs in the central nervous system. Taking inhalation anesthetics sevoflurane and isoflurane as well as the intravenous anesthetic propofol as examples, the aim of this paper is to comprehensively review the history of general anaesthetics,systematically investigate the targets of clinically used general anaesthetics in the brain cells and neural circuits based on optogenetic and chemical genetics techniques. In addition, the paper also looks forward to the future direction of brain mechanism research of general anaesthetics, in order to improve our understanding of the brain mechanism of general anaesthetics.


