

    Current status and progress in diagnosis and treatment of fever of unknown origin

    • 摘要: 不明原因发热(fever of unknown,FUO))是临床常见的疑难杂症,其病因复杂,因缺乏特异性临床表现及实验室检查 阳性结果,诊治较困难。虽然当今医学诊疗技术飞速发展,但FUO的确诊率并未明显提高,加深对FUO的认识,研究其病因构成及诊治策略,对于提高诊断效率十分必要。本文就FUO可能的病因、诊断及治疗策略的研究现状及进展进行了综述。


      Abstract: Fever of unknown (FUO) is a common clinical incurable disease. The cause of the disease is complex. Due to lack of specific clinical manifestations and positive results of laboratory tests, diagnosis and treatment are difficult. Although the medical diagnosis and treatment technology is developing rapidly today, the definite diagnosis rate of FUO has not been significantly improved. It is necessary to deepen the understanding of FUO, study its cause and composition, and diagnosis and treatment strategies to improve the diagnosis efficiency. This article reviews the current status and progress of the causes, diagnosis, and treatment strategies of FUO.


